grains of sand

“…until we behold the pain become the pearl…”

I’m a girl who loves little things. The first spring crocus, the feel of a child in your lap, laughing helplessly until you cry. Rainy days make me smile, especially if they come with a crackling fire and a cup of chai. I love the adventure of words, spilling out of a book or dancing through my head as I write. I love the joy of discovering a kindred spirit.
And these things are all the more precious to me, because I know that life can break your heart. There are days that are beautiful and days that hurt. But I believe in fairy tales and happy endings, because I know the Author of the story.

Malkah is Hebrew for “beloved of the king”, because that is my prayer: that He would take all that I am, everything I have walked through. And make me His.
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